Monday, October 24, 2011

Hamilton's new motto (in light of transparency issues)

Hamilton: Not the Best Place to Raise a Question.

(Thanks to The Hamiltonian commenter, 'Anonymous')

Just a question, is all.

"I know that, you see, because I was poor. But I rose like a rocket, and I know how the whole thing works. The ones who are on your side, or so they think, are the ones who keep you down. Everything they do keeps you down. They'll forgive you for anything. Rob, rape, pillage and kill, and they'll defend you to yourself. They understand all your outrages, and all you failings and faults, too. Perfect! You can go on that way forever. What do they care? Excuse me, they do care. They want it that way. How would they make a living, these servants of the poor, if there were no poor?"

Mark Helprin, 'Winter's Tale'

I'm not an expert of much. 

And those areas where I'm not confident in, I tend to ask more questions than proffer opinions. 

Poverty is one of these areas. 

Specifically the notion of how deeply entrenched this 'culture' is in Hamilton. 

I've not been particularly aware of the situation. Some of this is due to having not been in Hamilton when things began to change in the 90s, and as they proceeded to change moving through the middle of the last decade. But more has to do with indifference on my part. Apathy. Ignorance. 

Again, this is an area where I've known it's best to keep my unqualified opinions to myself and be content with taking in more information over time. Casual osmosis, if you will. 

So this is not an informed editorial. I'm simply not equipped to offer up much in that regard. Save for the need to be asking questions about 'the situation in Hamilton' in light of what's been happening with Mission Services and Mohawk College of late. 

And as much as getting answers to 'How did it come to this?' are vital, my first enquiry would be: 

'Is there a 'poverty industry' in Hamilton?'

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Something elsewhere...

A topical editorial by Mahesh Butani can be found at Metropolitan Hamilton. Take a look and consider what it proposes. The implications for better communities and a better city are substantial. Especially considering the 'Good Neighbour Community Contract'. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Press Release

Contact: Larry Pomerantz
Organization: Hamilton Civic League
Telephone Number: (905) 545-5577
Web site:

Hamilton, ON, October 13th, 2011 —The Hamilton Civic League (HCL) is pleased to announce a working partnership with Town Halls Hamilton (THH) to organize and facilitate a series of citizen-led Town Halls. Beginning with an inaugural Town Hall on November 10th in Council Chambers at Hamilton City Hall, HCL and THH are planning to hold similar events around the city over 2011 and 2012 to forge stronger links between citizens and their elected representatives. With an agenda driven by local neighbourhood associations, the Town Halls Hamilton initiative aims to bring together civically-minded residents in a friendly, positive and constructive environment.

The Hamilton Civic League is a broad-based, non-partisan association formed in 2009 to encourage citizen engagement and involvement in the political process. Town Halls Hamilton is a nascent, grassroots endeavour to create concerted, city-wide opportunities for increased engagement between residents and their Councillors. Both organizations believe in the importance of residents being in a position of greater ownership of their local governance, and this alignment is seen as one way of building energy and momentum towards this goal.

HCL Chair, Larry Pomerantz states “We have recently seen an increase in the number of new organizations that share our goal to heighten civic engagement. We encourage individuals to join and organizations to partner with HCL to forge collaborative community building opportunities such as with Town Halls Hamilton.”

The Hamilton Civic League will be actively involved in making the Town Halls Hamilton events successes, and the organization invites all Hamiltonians to become involved in the initiative over the following year.

For additional information, contact Larry Pomerantz at

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Ye Olde Humpe-Daye Jocque

A politician is talking with one of his constituents. 

Suddenly, the latter holds his hand up to the former. "Stop right there! You're lying! I know you're lying!"

The politician, not put off in the least, says "You're right! But hear me out!"

(A special thanks must go out to 'The West Wing' and Leo for this chuckle.)