TIOH: As a Federation, you have a very broad-based approach to NA activities.
McCrawley: We do. NAs are about community life, and Life is broad-based.
TIOH: We're going to list some of them here; maybe you could comment on those you've found the most beneficial, and those that have been the most challenging.
Skill swaps
Babysitting clinics
Micro loans
Senior Watch
Grocery-run pooling
Volunteer banks
Flower parades
Regular NA meetings
Street fairs
Tool co-ops
Street makeover blitzes
Bike repair/salvage clinics
Toy appeals
Community gardens
Town halls
Film nights
Seed swaps
Holiday celebrations
Road-marking vigilanteism
McCrawley: Because of the kerfuffle the 'illegal' activity has caused, I shouldn't comment on the last one, but I will. (laughing) Certain members of certain neighbourhoods took to doing what our Roads and Maintenance Department either wouldn't or couldn't: they freshened up the road markings.
TIOH: Tell us about the impact.
McCrawley: Well, no different than when one homeowner begins to take better care of their property: there's a ripple-effect. The stopwalks are re-painted, the dotted lines are re-painted...and one thing leads to another...and before you know it, you've got a street that's so much easier to be proud of.
TIOH: What about a 'flower parade'?
McCrawley: We get a sponsor to help out with the supplies, and we go down a street with a van, ring a bell along the way and make a spring celebration of planting in residents' gardens. Pretty simple.
TIOH: Reminiscent of the Good Humour truck.
McCrawley: Exactly.
TIOH: There's a common theme in the list of sharing. Sharing time, sharing skills, sharing tools.
McCrawley: Absolutely. We're great believers in 'collaborative consumption'.
TIOH: Again, it seems to be about community.