Sunday, July 8, 2012

Remembering that 'leadership' isn't just a City Hall issue...

"With all the efforts over the last 30 years to revive the downtown we have yet to see a payoff. Even with the so called resurgence of James North which is minimal at best the downtown is still sliding backwards. I think it's time to step back and let the downtown stew for a bit."

Commenter 'sonofagun' on The Spec downtown grocery store article


  1. Stew as in worry or stew as in allow to meld into a more harmonious better place by allowing the ingredients we've added to the pot the time to do so?

  2. Stew as in worry or stew as in cooking the ingredients into a tastier meal by allowing all of those ingredients time to react with one another

  3. You're being waaaay too kind. That's not the usual connotation of 'stew'...and with the preamble, clearly this person is far too dismissive for my liking.

  4. Hamilton downtown is now seeing the unintended Consequences of the downtown conversion loans program.The area was never meant to be residential.This program was done out of fear of losing the campaign support from the consruction unions going to a rival for their jobs.The propiganda spew of MSM is also a fear. I say until we get rid of this bunch it will be one constuction fiasco after another.


I'm always interested in feedback, differing opinions, even contrarian long as they're delivered with decorum...with panache and flair always helping.