Friday, July 16, 2010

...with some perspective on the side, please.

This blog was initiated as an expression of 'activism'. Maybe not the flavour of activism some would agree is 'proper activism', so here's my definition of the word: 'Behaviour, gestures and efforts that promote engagement and discussion towards an improved existence.'

Periodically, I will be injecting stuff into the mix that's decidedly not about Stoney Creek, references that...well, add to the stew. As I have a personal blog where I tend to cover this stuff on a daily basis, I'll endeavour to show some restraint and only feature bits and pieces I feel are worthy of the cause...namely activism as defined above. Here is my first contribution in that vein.

As individuals we are not powerless. Opportunities for meaningful and important action are everywhere: in the food we eat, the work we do, the transportation we use, the manner in which we relate to others, the clothing we wear, the learning we acquire, the compassionate causes we support, the level of attention we invest in our moment-to-moment passage through Life, and so on. The list is endless, since the stuff of transformation is identical with the stuff from which our daily lives are constructed.

We are each responsible for the conduct of our lives...and we are each unique. Therefore we are each uniquely responsible for our actions and choices in this pivotal time in human evolution. There is no one who can take our place. We each weave a singular strand in the web of Life. No one can weave that strand for us. What we each contribute is distinct, and what we each withhold is uniquely irreplaceable.

Duane Elgin, 'Voluntary Simplicity' (Second Revised Edition), p.134

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I'm always interested in feedback, differing opinions, even contrarian long as they're delivered with decorum...with panache and flair always helping.