Sunday, September 5, 2010

Here's an assignment for ya...

To all non-incumbent candidates for Councillors in Wards 5, 9, 10 and 11:

I'm curious as to how candidates see their responsibilities, their role in the City government. So the assignment is this:

Create a job description for the position of Hamilton Councillor. Just as you would were you hiring someone for a newly-created position in a company you own or run, be as thorough as you can.

This is not a test of civics in regards to municipal politics; I would prefer you slant your description towards how you would like to see your potential job, rather than be locked into how things might be laid out in The Great Manifesto at City Hall. Please indulge me here; you will be asked in due time to conform...I'm asking you to utilize some of your imagination and tap into your innate enthusiasm...because I'm sure these are large parts of why you're attempting to do what you're attempting to do.

P.S. As a side assignment, perhaps you could spend a couple of minutes contrasting how your constituents might presently describe the role of Councillor...especially given the amount of 'dissatisfaction' running rampant in the city.

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I'm always interested in feedback, differing opinions, even contrarian long as they're delivered with decorum...with panache and flair always helping.