Friday, May 21, 2010

'Merlo's Clear-cut': A Bridge To Alba

Mr. Merlo's presumed access route from 'the top of his property' is at Alba Street, as illustrated in this post.

Well, this is what the view currently is, looking eastwards to Alba from Merlo's Clear-cut.

This is the wide view of Battlefield Creek looking North-North-east. Alba would be on the right, Merlo's Clear-cut on the left.

This is a better look of the extant creek.

Once you head down into the ravine, this is how it looks. (This is the east side of Battlefield Creek.)

And more of this winding pathway.

On the right, we see 31 Alba, the last house on the street. If you were pan to your left, you'd see...

...60 Battlefield Drive, just there in the left of the frame. Between these two addresses would -'presumably', keeping in mind that we're still labouring under the effects of Conjecture Dust- be 'The Bridge To Alba', that connects Merlo's Clear-cut with Realityland.

Gorgeous, isn't it?

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