This is a map of the area. (I apologize for not being able to properly present it. With arrows and labeling, preferably as an animated gif...) The darker green is Battlefield Park. The numbered rectangles are houses on Alba Street (#s 27, 29 and 31) and on Battlefield Drive (#s 60, 58, 56, etc.) The segmented line represents the railway tracks, the thin bands of light green are presumably the easements attached to the railway property. The blue line is Battlefield Creek, the white portion to the left, Centennial Parkway.
The almost-triangular rectangle to the south of Battlefield Park and to the north of the railway tracks...this is our 'clear-cut property'. (Yes, it's true; apparently the land includes the creek, going right over to where the local residents' land ends, some 3 acres in total.)
Below, a Google Maps representation.
If you zoom in...you can see just what it used to look like. (Again, I apologize for my tech shortcomings; this time, for not having an updated satellite image.)
You couldn't update the satellite image? C'mon!
ReplyDeleteBut to be serious, looking at that image, it DOES seem like that section of property would be part of Battlefield Park. One wonders how the lines were drawn in the first place.