Thursday, August 19, 2010

Out and about.

This part of Stoney Creek is the only portion I have no history least as far as its current state goes. My context is Penn Lumber. The Mah's Chinese Restaurant. And certainly no gurgling fountain.

Despite this, despite still feeling I'm in a foreign town when I pass by, I do love it.

I love the intent. I love the goal...which I won't state or interpret here, but it should be clear to anyone who actually walks in the area what those-who-made-it-happen had in mind.

I stand here at the fountain and I can't help but feel even more impassioned about what Downtown Stoney Creek could be, should be. This is actually a vision aligned with my vision of that 'vibrant and resilient' downtown I yammer on about here. And yet currently, it's this blip, this anomaly; driving by it is actually a little surreal for me; you see it, you blink...and as you wind past McDougall's and you're coasting through 'The Downtown That Time Forgot', your mind whispers an enquiry: 'Did we just pass by a fountain...?!?'

If I had the resources, I'd pay a graphics designer/programming team to construct a sim of what Downtown Stoney Creek could look like, beginning the approach from the Augustus Jones fountain.

And I'd pay a second lump of cash to hear the naysayers respond.

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