Monday, August 23, 2010

Something topical from outside the area...

I was referred to this blog post on the weekend. Naturally, it reminded me of what I've been stressing lately, the 'relationship of engagement' regarding we-the-people and our elected politicians, as found in this series.

Additionally, I was directed to the site of Candidate in Ward 3 Paul Tetley. In it, within the 'Change' section, a particular element resonated for the same reason:

Accountable City Government

"It is essential to have an open process where residents can participate in the decisions that affect where they live. I will ensure your voice is heard, that your opinions matter, and that City Hall is held accountable."

Both people essentially point out the flaws in the way things are right now, but I still tend to flinch at how it's all labelled, and how the 'Us vs Them' mindset is -albeit passively- entrenched.

Once again: I do not believe the solution to the perceived disconnect on the part of local politicians, the legacy frustration harboured by the average voter, tax-paying citizen will come from new rules and regulations, from any sort of 'integrity commissioner' acting as investigator, from any declared intent to 'make City Hall more transparent and accountable'. I believe a better paradigm needs to be grown, only happening when we've achieved a quantum shift in mindset about our relationship with our elected officials, about how we see our roles in our governing.

But I'm grateful that there are cogent voices out there reminding us that things have to change in order for things to get better.

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