This weekend, one of the most perversely entertaining interludes was provided me by someone I was in correspondence with.
What they maintained at the conclusion of the escalating back-and-forths (at which point they declared as to being 'done wasting time with you'), was to tell me that it was all clear to them now, now they understood why I blogged anonymously.
But then they proceeded to concede the merits of meeting in person for a coffee to discuss the issues under consideration, as well as the presumed myriad other topics we could engage ourselves with.
I do not understand the offense taken to 'anonymity'.
As a blogger, shouldn't what I say be taken at face-value?
Shouldn't the merits of what I'm presenting stand on their own, not requiring some kind of bizarre Googled variation on vetting to take place?
As a blogger, I don't owe anyone anything regarding my personal information.
I'm willing to meet just about anyone face-to-face, share a coffee. In fact, I have met candidates during this election, as well as other bloggers, readers. I have nothing to hide...
...but at the same time, I also reserve the right to maintain my site as I see fit.
I do not owe anyone any answers to questions of identity, there is no requirement for 'transparency'...
...and quite frankly, this tiresome 'Net-courage'-based attitude is beginning to remind me all the more of the vacuous, dull-pated tendencies of the Tea Party in the U.S.
Where rationale has given way to what amounts to thinly-veiled entitlement, where manners are bullied aside in the name of 'righteousness', where pointing out a lack of comprehension is often dismissed, as in 'that damned intellectual elite is making irritating noises again'.
I have no intention of kowtowing to anyone's difficulties where it comes to who I am, or reacting -past this editorial- to their pouty-faced attacks.
It saddens me to think that this is the world we've created, where people feel the need to get all bent out of shape when they're not getting what they feel they deserve. I guess we're in deeper societal doodoo than I've been willing to admit.
(Clearly, this gentleman and I would not get along. LOL Sorta...kinda...)
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