Over at 'The Hamiltonian', there's a great post currently being commented on. It's essentially Councillor Sam Merulla's response to a two-part enquiry by the site regarding the Pan Am Games stadium adventure:
1. How do you think it will actually end?
2. How should it end?
Mr. Merulla's answer is superb. He cuts to the heart of the matter, he states his case clearly and with finesse...
...and yet some of the comments illustrate the limitations out there that the 'average' person has regarding comprehension, awareness and the ability to form opinions sincerely germane to the discussion. (And honestly, I'm counting on even worse contributions being made as the item receives more attention; never underestimate the capabilities manifest in a dullard society to intellectually underwhelm.) If my framing seems too obtuse, then let me put it this way: they're missing the point entirely.
I've been appalled at how the various special interest groups have co-opted the Pan Am Games stadium situation, at how utterly blinkered they've been. (If you want to see this in action, go to 'Raise the Hammer', where they allow people to 'vote' on a commenter's submission; if you want to see juvenile partisan behaviour at play, there ya go, because just about any contrary opinion is quickly downvoted into an opaque state.) The West Harbour supporters. The Tiger-Cat supporters. The East Mountain supporters. The funny thing is that all these groups are poised to jump all over Mayor Fred and the Council at large, should the worst possible outcome unfold, revealing, as they'll no doubt declaim, that it's proof positive of the entire group's inability to manage and lead. When in actual fact, to me it's been a fascinating production revealing just how immature many in the city are, how the notion of cogent, balanced governance is a concept that they have yet to grasp. (Further proof of my belief in a need to migrate to a more evolved 'relationship of engagement' from the general populace towards their locally-elected officials.)
Thank goodness for sane voices such as that of Councillor Merulla. When the dust has settled, it'll be interesting to see how History regards his perspective.
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